70 Industrial Park Drive, Suite 2B, Waldorf, MD 20604
By Preaching Jesus, Promoting Fellowship, and Providing Resources
Acts 2:44-47, John 10:10
Sundays @ 11:35pm & Wednesdays @ 6:35pm on Facebook
At https://www.facebook.com/TheWORDMinistries/
70 Industrial Park Drive, Suite 2B
Waldorf, MD 20604
Acts 2:38-41, Romans 10:9-10
Believe that Jesus's death saves you from your sin. Be
Indwelled by the Holy Spirit and
Baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins. Then
Live a holy and clean life.
Enduring until the end when Jesus shall return.
Give us a call or visit us if you have any further questions or for a more detailed explanation. Be blessed!
The Bible
The Bible is the inspired word of God, a revelation of God to man, which contains the entire word of God, and beside which there will be no revelation. It is superior to tradition though it may contain tradition; it is above conscience and reason although it is not contrary to reason.
One God
There is one God, eternal, omniscient, Omni-present, omnipotent, self-sufficient, who has manifested Himself as Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
Jesus is God manifest in the flesh, God incarnate, and is called the Son of God in human relationship.
Man’s Fall and Redemption
Man was created in the image of God, but by exercise of his own will, he transgressed the will of God and fell in sin. His only hope of redemption is through Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
Conditions of Salvation
The conditions of salvation are repentance for sins, faith in the saving grace of Jesus which leads to evidence of this faith, without which evidences in the faith, is not effectual.
Evidences of Saving Faith
Saving faith is evidenced by water baptism by immersion in the name of Jesus and by a life lived in harmony with the principles of God’s word. (Acts 2:38; 10:47; Romans 6:4)
The Holy Ghost
The baptism of the Holy Ghost is promised by God to all who repent and believe. It is evidenced by the speaking in unknown (or unlearned) tongues as the Holy Spirit gives the utterance.
Marriage is scripturally defined as a legally recognized union between one man and one woman for LIFE.(Genesis 2:23-25, Matthew 19:4-6)
Proper stewardship is the fundamental principle for managing all God's spiritual and material blessings (Luke 12:42).
Faithful stewards recognize that the principle of sowing and reaping is intended as a means to support those with the greatest need not the greatest greed. (2 Corinthians 9:6-15)
Paul said, "Forbid not to speak with tongues" (I Corinthians 14:39).
Divine Healing
Jesus said, "They shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover..." (Mark 16:18, James 5:14-16).
We quote scriptures to remind ourselves of the GENERAL promises God gave ALL of us and the SPECIFIC promises God gave EACH of us and we try not to get them mixed up.
General promise: For this promise is unto you and your children...(Acts 2:39)
Specific promise: Behold, a virgin will be with child...(Matthew 1:23)
Copyright January 2019 The Word of Restoration and Deliverance Ministries, Inc. (The W.O.R.D.). All rights reserved.
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70 Industrial Park Drive, Suite 2B
Waldorf, MD 20604